Winter is just around the corner and it’s time to winterize your swimming pool. A lot of people don’t know how to do this, but after reading this blog post, you’ll be ready for a chilly swim all year long! Follow these simple steps and before you know it, you’ll have an ice-cold dip in your backyard every day!

Why is wintering a pool important?

The winterizing process is important to protect your pool from cracks, other damages, and leaks. It is important to have a pool cover so that your water does not evaporate and leaves the chemicals untreated. You need to drain the pump, filter, heater, or any other equipment you may be using in order for them to operate smoothly when getting started next season.

How to winterize your pool

  • Remove all debris from around the edge of your pool with nets or leaf rakes while brushing away excess dirt once done cleaning it up
  • Start draining your pool by releasing air from inside its hose which runs into skimmer box opening often found on one side of swimming pools at ground level then keep doing this until water stops coming out completely
  • Do another round checking if there are still some residual amounts of (water) left after removing some just in case as doing too much might affect the integrity of your pool
  • Get a hold on the safety ladder and move it out of the way so you can pull up (water) pumps or ( filter pump ) away from the skimmer base in order to attach an extension cord if necessary since there should be electricity running through these items during a draining process that will help remove water faster instead of waiting for natural evaporation over time which is slow
  • Put plugs back into the hose end where the air came out first before removing them then blow some compressed air at both openings spraying debris with cleaner while doing this as well using either compressor or simply blowing by mouth until all residual dirt was removed.
  • Hook one end back onto the swimming pools’ intake valve then plug another.

When should you start a pool winterizing process?

  • While it’s still a fall and there is no chance of any rain, heavy wind, or snowstorm.
  • Since the leaves have fallen from trees which are next to swimming pools removing them before they come in contact with pool water can help prevent clogging up filters too much during a draining process, therefore, making it easier for less debris to get inside equipment since not having that many will let more air circulate around valves allowing them as well as hoses to dry completely without being blocked by dead vegetation creating a problem when opening all this stuff back up in springtime.
  • If you live where autumn starts later then do so once temperatures feel like winter weather conditions are definitely coming soon knowing what month your region enters into colder months makes sense especially when it comes to draining pool water.

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